What is 4-H?
4-H is a unique organization, in that it is the only youth development organization with oversight and sponsorship by the federal government.
At the federal level, 4-H is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture, through the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
The federal government partners with the Land-Grant Universities, of which Kansas State University is one. K-State Research and Extension, as part of KSU, administers the 4-H program in cooperation with the local Extension governing units.
Through our educational mission, we help youth to learn by doing and to lead by example. In 4-H, we are committed to providing a positive experience for as many young people as possible. Not just with the belief that 4-H grows great kids, but the belief that by preparing our youth for school, work and life that we are contributing to a vibrant economy for years to come.
4-H Grows Here!!!
Midway District Policies
Pledge, Motto, Mission
4-H Pledge
I Pledge my Head to Clearer Thinking
My Heart to Greater Loyalty
My Hands to Larger Service
And My Health to Better Living
For My Club, My Community, My Country & My World.
4-H Motto
"To Make the Best Better"
4-H Emblem
The official clover is kelly green with white H's with the stem. The 4-H colors are the same green and white. The white symbolizes purity. The green represents nature's most common color and is emblematic of youth, life and growth.
"Learning By Doing"
This phrase sums up the 4-H educational philosophy. It exemplifies the experiential nature of the 4-H learning experiences. Young people learn best when they are actively involved in their learning. The intent is to do, reflect, and apply the learning to other places in their lives.
Kansas 4-H Mission
With unique strategies and opportunities, Kansas 4-H Youth Development engages youth in reaching their full potential through partnerships with caring adults.
Kansas 4-H Vision
A world where youth and adults advance positive life skills by learning, growing, and working together.
Kansas 4-H Life Skills
Life skills are the skills young people need to grow into competent and caring adults. These life skills are developed through work in a wide variety of project areas. In Kansas 4-H we emphasize the development of these life skills:
A positive self-concept . . . Youth develop a positive self concept by seeking their fullest unique potential as a person.
An inquiring mind. . . Youth develop an inquiring mind when he/she knows how to obtain information when it is needed and expects to live in a changing world.
A concern for the community . . . Youth develop a concern for the community by becoming aware of his/her social responsibility, and is willing to be involved in improving the community, both local and global.
Healthy interpersonal relationships . . .Youth learn healthy interpersonal relationships when they get along with others, work and interact with people of all ages.
Sound decision making . . . Youth learn to make sound decisions when he/she makes choices and can apply what is known in a productive way.
Karrie Van Winkle
4-H Youth Development Agent
309 S Fossil
Russell, KS 67665