
Cloverbuds (5-6 Year Olds)

The overall purpose of the 4-H Cloverbuds program is to foster the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional and physical maturation of five-and six-year olds by providing a unique educational opportunity.

Goals for Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds

  • Self-understanding skills (Initiating independence and self-direction)
  • Social skills (Getting along with others)
  • Decision-making skills (Making positive choices)
  • Learning skills (Learning to learn)
  • Mastering physical skills (Enjoying constructive and creative play)

Principles for Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds

  • Fun
  • Activity focused
  • Noncompetitive
  • Group-centered learning
  • Leader directed
  • Positive
  • Success oriented

Cloverbud Policies
Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds Guide
Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds' Tips for Parents and Children
Cloverbud Record Book

4-H Enrollment:

Cloverbuds need to enroll in 4-H. Below are some helpful guides. Go to our "How to enroll in 4-H" tab to learn how to enroll in 4-H online.

How to Enroll in 4-H

4-H Families now have the convenience of enrolling online by using the Kansas 4HOnline enrollment system. (Firefox and Chrome web browsers work best; Internet Explorer is not supported. It is recommended to use a computer, laptop or tablet to complete this process.)



Karrie Van Winkle

4-H Youth Development Agent
309 S Fossil
Russell, KS 67665