Ellsworth 4-H Council
Ellsworth 4-H Council Scholarship Application
The Ellsworth 4-H Council offers an event scholarship that can be applied for by 4-H members.
- Submit this application two weeks prior to event or at time of event registration deadline
- Applications received later than 30 days following the event will not be honored.
- Recipient must give a presentation to local 4-H club or 4-H council following event.
Scholarship check will be issued after the presentation is verified by local
4-H club leader or Extension Agent.
Other Details:
A 4-Her may receive no more than $125* in total event scholarships each year (October 1- September 30). You may only request up to 1/3 of the total cost of each event.
*Heart of Kansas 4-H Camp attendees will be awarded not more than $25.
*National 4-H events do not count toward the $125 cap and are considered on an as needed basis.
Example: If Discovery Days costs $165, take $165 x .33 = $54.45. You can apply for up to $54.45 for this event, so long as you haven't maxed out the $125 annual cap.

Karrie Van Winkle
4-H Youth Development Agent
309 S Fossil
Russell, KS 67665