Russell Co. 4-H Development Fund

The Russell County 4-H Development Fund is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization, whose mission is to secure funds from private and public sectors for support and enhancement of 4-H programs. Donations, memorial and bequests to the 4-H Development Fund are appreciated and tax deductible.

What have we done ... In 2001, the 4-H Development Fund awarded the first $500 4-H Youth Scholarship. The organization has continued throughout the years to award 26 scholarships to outstanding Russell County 4-H'ers for a total of $22,250. In addition, over $15,000 has been given to the Russell County 4-H Councils for activities since 1993. Even with the new Midway Extension District #15 unification, the awarded Development Funds will remain with the Russell County 4-H youth.

For more information, contact any of the Board of Directors:

  • Stacie Dumler
  • Rhonda Haberer
  • Blaine Maier
  • Judy Robbins
  • Karrie Van Winkle, Advisor

Russell County 4-H Development Fund Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any Midway-Russell County 4-H Member who has been active for at least three years and a graduating senior. Applications will be available after the first of the year and will be DUE April 1st.

Russell County 4-H Development Fund Alumni Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any Midway-Russell County 4-H Member who had been active for at least three years and is currently enrolled in undergraduate study or at a vocational institution. Applications will be available after the first of the year and will be DUE April 1st.

Russell County 4-H Development Fund - Eulert 4-H Camp Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any Midway-Russell County 4-H Member who is attending the Heart of Kansas Camp at Rock Springs. The 4-H member must tell at least one group of youth about their camping experience and report their presentation to the Extension Office by September 1st of the current
4-H year. Applications are DUE August 1st.

Russell County 4-H Development Fund - Event Scholarship

This scholarship is available to any Midway-Russell County 4-H Member attending a 4-H Event. The 4-H member must tell at least one group of your about their experience and report their presentation to the Extension Office by August 1st of the current 4-H year. Applications can be submitted any time prior to the actual event.


Karrie Van Winkle

4-H Youth Development Agent
309 S Fossil
Russell, KS 67665