Walk Kansas
Walk Kansas is an 8-week walking program encouraging family members, schoolmates, co-workers, friends, and neighbors to come together as a team. Participants will set goals for health and fitness. A Team Captain will recruit 5 people to make a 6-member team who will collectively walk 423 miles, the distance across Kansas.
This is an exceptional opportunity to promote health and fitness to the entire family, from small children to grandparents, while building family unity. It's a great way to enjoy time together as a group or one-on-one with a child or teenager. Elementary schools can also participate in the Walk Kansas For Kids program available through your County Extension Office. These programs are adaptable and your county agent can help in the planning process.
March 24-May 18, 2024 (Tentative)
Midway Extension District rocked #WalkKansas the past few years. The feedback we hear from participants includes "increased energy," "improved mood," "more restful sleep," "better able to manage stress." That's all from being physically active at least thirty minutes a day. So start moving and track your activities!
Para las traducciones al espanol de estos boletines, vaya a:
Jessica Kootz
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent
210 N. Kansas
Suite #1
Ellsworth, KS 67439
Online Registration available at https://www.walkkansasonline.org/
Helpful Tips:
Walk Tall. There is a reason why your mother told you to sit or stand up straight. By practicing good posture, you will feel less tension in your neck and shoulders, your spine feels longer, and you will have better mobility. At first, practicing good posture will take some effort. Once you realize how much better you feel, it will become a habit.
Walk Strong. The exercises promoted through this program will help develop your muscles to make it easier and safer to perform everyday activities, such as carrying groceries or playing a team sport with your kids. Check the Walk Kansas website, www.walkkansas.org, each week for videos that demonstrate these exercises. Start with air squats, parallel arm raises, and a tubing pull across your chest this week. You will find videos at (www.walkkansas.org/p.aspx?tabid=66).
Walk Kansas. Each week during Walk Kansas, log your minutes of moderate/vigorous activity (must be at least 10 consecutive minutes) and report these to your team captain. You can also count minutes you spend doing strengthening exercises. Information in your registration packet includes more detail on what to count as exercise minutes. Also, track how many cups of fruits and vegetables you eat each day.